MISSION - keeganrs@gmail.com

My blog is about my dream for a world where everyone is allowed to exist and improving the quality of life of the world’s citizens is our priority.

For many reasons I reject the current path of the world.

Rich world insanity, excess and lies. Poor world denial of human rights and food. The destruction of the planet. Our homogenisation into one consuming mass of idiots.

We need to look for new ways. New human interactions at every level. New models of participation or at least rescuing old ones. Things like couchsurfing.com and woolf.org are steps in this direction as are the models of health and education being created and implemented in Venezuela.

We need to stand up and say "Enough!" to the current regimes and look to support all those initiatives for a better world and create our own. 

Sunday, 21 January 2007

An Experiment for the world!

What if?

I wonder what would happen if for one month people were only exposed to thoughts of compassion for other people. Informed only on TV about the damage of war and the harm of corporations. If they read books about history that described the real motivations behind our history. If they really listened to the music calling for people to stand up and care about the interests of the world and it´s people.

If people could forget about money for long enough to do this what would it mean to the world. If every person in the rich world had to make a friend in the poor world and listen to the story of their life.

Would there still be 3 billion people in poverty!?

If people were given concrete ways to make a difference to the way the world develops would they chose the yes option or the no if it didn´t cost anything ?

Surely if we believe that we live in democratic countries we are given this option every election. Surely if we live in freedom with technology we can make the decision to understand the other world.

We must acknowledge this opportunity of how we spend our time what we think about and what our consumer and political choices mean to the world!

It is difficult to learn about the world when we are taught to worry about money and image but in freedom we have power.

Exercise the right. Be water on the fire of raging business interests burning the world!