MISSION - keeganrs@gmail.com

My blog is about my dream for a world where everyone is allowed to exist and improving the quality of life of the world’s citizens is our priority.

For many reasons I reject the current path of the world.

Rich world insanity, excess and lies. Poor world denial of human rights and food. The destruction of the planet. Our homogenisation into one consuming mass of idiots.

We need to look for new ways. New human interactions at every level. New models of participation or at least rescuing old ones. Things like couchsurfing.com and woolf.org are steps in this direction as are the models of health and education being created and implemented in Venezuela.

We need to stand up and say "Enough!" to the current regimes and look to support all those initiatives for a better world and create our own. 

Monday, 24 September 2007

President Iran University Colombia speech

(Iranian president's discourse ^^)
The more people that read this the less likely a Iran being destroyed by US and Israeli bombs.
Peace.. the real motivation for the war is the economic changes that he is making and the links with Latin America and becoming independent from the imperialist capitalist economy. If it was about human rights they would be after Saudi Arabia and China and Burma. If it was about nuclear weapons they would stop giving them to more countries like neighbouring India and Pakistan along with Israel and would have signed the many anti-nuclear proliferation acts that the US has vetoed at the UN. If it was about terrorism they would attack Saudi Arabia.. the country where the majority of the attackers of 9-11 came from. If it is about interfering in Iraq.. also a big factor .. they have no justification. If Mexico was overtaken by Colombia or China or Russia would the US sit back and not take any involvement. If it were Canada would there not be a brotherly call for help. Iraqi's want the US forces to leave and let Iraqi's rule the country.. neighbouring countries also desire this. Reagan said that the US had to invade Nicaragua for self defence! (A tiny country trying to rise from misery with some USSR links).. how then can Iran be expected not to be concerned about Iraq!

Any thoughts?

No war.. no civilians deserve it.. not even the perpetrators of all this capital driven misery.

Peace through a new economy and understanding we are all of the same land. We are all family of the same mother earth.

Peace through understanding.

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