MISSION - keeganrs@gmail.com

My blog is about my dream for a world where everyone is allowed to exist and improving the quality of life of the world’s citizens is our priority.

For many reasons I reject the current path of the world.

Rich world insanity, excess and lies. Poor world denial of human rights and food. The destruction of the planet. Our homogenisation into one consuming mass of idiots.

We need to look for new ways. New human interactions at every level. New models of participation or at least rescuing old ones. Things like couchsurfing.com and woolf.org are steps in this direction as are the models of health and education being created and implemented in Venezuela.

We need to stand up and say "Enough!" to the current regimes and look to support all those initiatives for a better world and create our own. 

Saturday, 14 February 2009

Venezuela's Referendum

Today the people of Venezuela will decide whether or not to give themselves the power to re-elect government officials indefinitely or remain with the current limit of two terms. For those not familiar with Venezuelan politics it may almost seem a non-issue. Some countries in Europe have the possibility to continue electing successful leaders while others don't. Many countries in Latin America have single term limits which may be in reaction to the military dictatorships many of them have suffered under. However the question being posed today is not interpreted in Venezuela as being about the finer points of their democratic model It's about Commandante Hugo Chavez Frias.

The opposition media in Venezuela consists of almost all "western style" media outlets that is those run by millionaires who make their money from advertising the interests of major corporations (run by other millionaires). This media is openly dedicated to removing Commandante Chavez. They have participated in coups and created all kinds of lies and aspersions to destabilise the country, create discontent and ultimately remove him in order to return to the status quo of neo-liberal politics. Consider for a second if this kind of opposition exists in your country. Are our leaders subject to the same scrutiny and open sabotage? What would happen if our media played this role or even represented public opinion?

State run media on the other hand is dedicated to informing the public about what the decision really is. A deepening of democracy by giving greater control to the population to choose who they wish for any post. Chavez has said that he is tired in his role and would welcome a retirement following 2013, to a more relaxed life. (Even those of the opposition don't question his level of activity as he frantically crosses his country and the globe to develop the project he had been elected to facilitate.) But Chavez is campaigning for "Si" because he wants the population to be able to decide if they want him and all other elected representatives to continue.

If the referendum is passed then he will have to be re-elected first by the members of his own party (PSUV) to represent them and then he would again be subjected to the will of the people in elections in late 2012.

What is clearest of all about this process is that it is a democratic one with strong arguments being made from within the socialist movement and from outside. Venezuela's democracy is newly re-born but strong after emerging from a dictatorship into a 2 party system. Today these options are unthinkable and could not be imposed upon the population without massive bloodshed. If the referendum fails as it did in 2007 then Chavez will accept the result and reassess strategy in order to continue with the mandate he has been given until he hands over the presidency in 2013. A likely follow on if the "No" vote wins is that the opposition will try to exercise it's right for a revocatory referendum which Chavez won convincingly during his last term. This ability to remove or confirm a leader half-way through their term via revocatory referendum is a rare political tool guaranteed by the constitution of 1999 in the interest of democracy. Imagine if Bush or Howard had been subjected to it during either of their terms!

Today's referendum is a symbol of the ever increasing depth of democracy in Latin America. This referendum follows a series of elections and referendums in Ecuador and Bolivia which have culminated in new constitutions which attempt to erase the legacy of the Spanish imperial and the access their constitutions facilitated to other North American and European interests.

Power is being put back in the hands of the people. It's a right they're not going to let go of.

Here's a story written by a company with the interests of other companies guiding it.

My article is written because of my desire for a safe, free world where everybody fits. This can only happen under new economic systems. Venezuela is an important part of creating this change.

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